Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem | Easy Sheet Music

Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem Easy Sheet Music Free for piano, keyboard, flute, violin, sax, cello page 1
Kde domov můj, kde domov můj,
voda hučí po lučinách,
bory šumí po skalinách,
v sadě skví se jara květ,
zemský ráj to na pohled!
A to je ta krásná země,
země česká domov můj,
země česká domov můj!

Kde domov můj, kde domov můj,
v kraji znáš-li bohumilém
duše útlé v těle čilém,
mysl jasnou, vznik a zdar
a tu sílu vzdoru zmar,
to je Čechů slavné plémě
mezi Čechy domov můj!
mezi Čechy domov můj!

Where my home is, where my home is?
Streams are rushing through the meadows,
Midst the rocks sigh fragrant pine groves,
Orchards decked in spring's array,
Scenes of paradise portray.
And this land of wondrous beauty,
Is the Czech land of my home,
Is the Czech land of my home!

Where my home is, where my home is,
If, in the heavenly land, you have met
Slender souls in spry bodies,
Of clear mind, vigorous and prospering,
And with a strength that frustrates all defiance,
That is the glorious nation of Czechs
Among the Czechs (is) my home!
Among the Czechs, my home!
Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem easy sheet music for piano, keyboard, flute, violin, sax, cello suitable for beginners and intermediate musicians. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked this sheets for Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem or if you think something is wrong with them and you know how to make them even better.

How to download Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem sheet music?

You can download the sheet music for Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem simply by Right Clicking on each image and select "Save image as...". If you prefer to get them as a PDF simply convert the images to PDF with any software you like, you can find a lot of such programs for free with a simple google search.

More info about sheets posted here

This site is primarily aimed towards beginners, so all the scores posted are simplified versions to make the as easy as possible to play on a large variety of instruments including pianos, keyboards, flute, violins, sax, kalimba, cello and other similar instruments. The notes are also colored so it makes them even more facile to read and follow. For absolute beginners letter notes are also included above the staff.

If you find any mistakes on Kde domov muj - Czech Republic National Anthem sheet music or you have suggestions on how they can be improved, don't hesitate to leave a comment and we will do our best to implement them in the post.

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