Indonesia, tanah airku
Tanah tumpah darahku
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia, kebangsaanku
Bangsa dan tanah airku
Marilah kita berseru
Indonesia bersatu!
Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!
Indonesia, tanah yang mulia
Tanah kita yang kaya
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Untuk selama-lamanya
Indonesia, tanah pusaka
Pusaka kita semuanya
Marilah kita mendoa
"Indonesia bahagia!"
Suburlah tanahnya, suburlah jiwanya
Bangsanya, rakyatnya, semuanya
Sadarlah hatinya, sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya…
Indonesia, tanah yang suci
Tanah kita yang sakti
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Menjaga ibu sejati
Indonesia, tanah berseri
Tanah yang aku sayangi
Marilah kita berjanji
"Indonesia abadi!"
Selamatlah rakyatnya, selamatlah putranya
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya
Majulah negerinya, majulah pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya…
Indonesia, my homeland
Land where my blood shed
Over there, I stand
To be my mother's guide
Indonesia, my nationality
My nation and homeland
Let us exclaim
Indonesia unites!
Long live my land, long live my country
My nation, my people, all of them
Build its soul, build its body
For Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
My land, my country which I love!
Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
Long live Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia, a noble land
Our wealthy land
Over there, I stand
Forever and ever
Indonesia, a heritage land
A heritage of ours
Let us pray
Happiness for Indonesia!
Fertile may its soil, flourish may its soul
Its nation, its people, all of them
Aware may its heart, aware may its mind
For Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great...
Indonesia, a sacred land
Our victorious land
Over there, I stand
To guard the true mother
Indonesia, a radiant land
A land which I adore
Let us pledge,
Indonesia's eternal!
Safe may its people, safe may its sons
Its islands, its seas, all of them
Advance its country, advance its scouts,
For Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great...
Indonesia Raya - Indonesia National Anthem easy sheet music for piano, keyboard, flute, violin, sax, cello suitable for beginners and intermediate musicians. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked this sheets for Indonesia Raya - Indonesia National Anthem or if you think something is wrong with them and you know how to make them even better.
Tanah tumpah darahku
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku
Indonesia, kebangsaanku
Bangsa dan tanah airku
Marilah kita berseru
Indonesia bersatu!
Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya
Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya!
Indonesia, tanah yang mulia
Tanah kita yang kaya
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Untuk selama-lamanya
Indonesia, tanah pusaka
Pusaka kita semuanya
Marilah kita mendoa
"Indonesia bahagia!"
Suburlah tanahnya, suburlah jiwanya
Bangsanya, rakyatnya, semuanya
Sadarlah hatinya, sadarlah budinya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya…
Indonesia, tanah yang suci
Tanah kita yang sakti
Di sanalah aku berdiri
Menjaga ibu sejati
Indonesia, tanah berseri
Tanah yang aku sayangi
Marilah kita berjanji
"Indonesia abadi!"
Selamatlah rakyatnya, selamatlah putranya
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya
Majulah negerinya, majulah pandunya
Untuk Indonesia Raya
Indonesia Raya…
Indonesia, my homeland
Land where my blood shed
Over there, I stand
To be my mother's guide
Indonesia, my nationality
My nation and homeland
Let us exclaim
Indonesia unites!
Long live my land, long live my country
My nation, my people, all of them
Build its soul, build its body
For Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
My land, my country which I love!
Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
Long live Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia, a noble land
Our wealthy land
Over there, I stand
Forever and ever
Indonesia, a heritage land
A heritage of ours
Let us pray
Happiness for Indonesia!
Fertile may its soil, flourish may its soul
Its nation, its people, all of them
Aware may its heart, aware may its mind
For Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great...
Indonesia, a sacred land
Our victorious land
Over there, I stand
To guard the true mother
Indonesia, a radiant land
A land which I adore
Let us pledge,
Indonesia's eternal!
Safe may its people, safe may its sons
Its islands, its seas, all of them
Advance its country, advance its scouts,
For Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia the Great...
How to download Indonesia Raya - Indonesia National Anthem sheet music?
You can download the sheet music for Indonesia Raya - Indonesia National Anthem simply by Right Clicking on each image and select "Save image as...". If you prefer to get them as a PDF simply convert the images to PDF with any software you like, you can find a lot of such programs for free with a simple google search.More info about sheets posted here
This site is primarily aimed towards beginners, so all the scores posted are simplified versions to make the as easy as possible to play on a large variety of instruments including pianos, keyboards, flute, violins, sax, kalimba, cello and other similar instruments. The notes are also colored so it makes them even more facile to read and follow. For absolute beginners letter notes are also included above the staff.If you find any mistakes on Indonesia Raya - Indonesia National Anthem sheet music or you have suggestions on how they can be improved, don't hesitate to leave a comment and we will do our best to implement them in the post.